The tin was bought at Target when I was in Florida in February. It's been sitting on the shelf of things to alter SOMEDAY....
I can't believe how productive I can be some days. Once I sat down and starting making cards I felt like I was on a roll and didn't want to stop! Not even for dinner...lol Actually these cards didn't take too long to make. They are pretty basic but will come in handy as gifts. I bet I give away 95% of the stuff I make. I love to share my love of crafting with anyone who will accept a gift!
Some great cards...and like you, I have a lot of this DP kicking around too! I gotta make me some cards and get rid of the scraps so I can go buy more!
WOW you were busy this wkd! you may run out of things to alter before he gets back. I hope he finds some great deals to bring home for you. tell him to try to get a layover in KC and I can scan his finds. SNORT!!! can't wait to see what you alter next.
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