Today has not started off the way I had hoped it would...
Around 4 AM this morning, Chloe woke me up to tell me she was going to puke....ugh...then a it begins I thought. Wonderful....sick AGAIN for Christmas!
She finally fell back asleep around 6 AM and then woke at 8:05 all MAD at me because she'd be late for school. I kindly tried to explain that she needed that sleep and she'd feel much better. I convinced her to rest the morning. Her fever seems to be gone and she hasn't gotten sick since 4 AM. She's been BUGGING me to go to school. Today there are many activities planned for them and she doesn't want to miss out :(
I'm giving it another 30 minutes and if she is well and no fever, I'll take her.
Tonight is OILER hockey night but I told Brian to take someone else and I'll stay home with Chloe. We can catch the game on TV anyway. Besides, we always lose when I go to a game...haha! Sorry Oilers ;)
Last night was Chloe's Christmas concert at school. I managed to get a couple of pictures of her. She REALLY doesn't like getting them and the nice ones I did have, well there is a microphone stand right in her face! UGH!
I'll try to be in sometime tomorrow. It's my birthday! Another busy day!
Have a wonderful weekend!

cute pictures! Hope your Daughter is feeling better. Happy Birthday tomorrow Hope you have a great day!
What a cutie Chloe is! Hope she's feeling better soon. Sorry you're missing the Oilers game . . .
She is a sweetie!! Hope she feels better. :0)
Chloe is just a Christmas Angel! Adorable!
TOMORROW is your birthday??? I had no idea!!! You're supposed to tell me things like that! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAWN !!! Hope you're celebrating in a very special way!
OMG! She is just the cutest! She look JUST like you,but with dark hair! Doesn't look sick at all:D But I do know how they can kinds "crash" on ya.
Ill keeo you in my prayers for a healthy holiday.
Hope the Oilers win!
Oh that face! Hope your kiddie is feeling better in time for Santa! Merry Christmas! Deb
Your daughter is adorable! Happy birthday to you tomorrow!!!Enjoy!
Hope your daughter is better, Dawn! Funny how kids LOVE school when there are a lot of things going on that have nothing to do with school work! LOL! My daughter is the same way!!
OH my goodness she is adorable and look at her BIG beautiful Brown eyes what a xcutie pie .. Merry Christmas girlie . sorry to hear she was feeling under the weather ( I hate Puking ) But at least she was better to go to her concert Fun Fun for her.. Happy Birthday GF! :-)
Dawn Griffith
is it my imigination, or does she have your eyes? she is so beautiful!!!hope she's feeling better soon!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (my 2008 to do list, is get my birthday calendar updated!!!)
have a great day!!
oops, forgot to spell check before I sent my comment :))) that's what I get for leaving comments before my first full cup of coffee ...hee hee
Gorgeous pictures...but seeing that she's so gorgeous how else would they have turned out !!
Merry Christmas !!
What a beautiful little girl, hope she's feeling much better by Christmas!
Chloe looks like a little darling!! Thanks for sharing your photos, and I hope she is feeling better real soon.
I hope you had a nice birthday, anyhow!!
She looks SO MUCH like Brian in that first picture!
Happy Birthday...three of my 5 kids have DEC Birthdays...Adorable pics of Chloe...She's such a cutie!!
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